Quem falou que a Canonical simplesmente vai abandonar o Unity da versão 11.04 do Ubuntu?
Isso é mito!
Muito pelo contrário, a Canonical reafirmou recentemente que irá sim utilizar o Unity junto ao Ubuntu 11.04, confirmou apenas que neste momento o Ubuntu ainda está passando por um processo de desenvolvimento bastante acelerado e que ainda precisavam corrigir muitas coisas e tornar o Unity um ambiente X mais estável!
No launchpad já se pode perceber quão acelerado está o desenvolvimento do mesmo. A Canonical ainda afirma que o Unity vai prover uma experiência mais agradável entre usuários que utilizam-se de facilidades do ambiente X.
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Hello, I followed up on the @ubuntu-desktop list to let people know that 11.04 was still slated to default to Unity, and to give people a chance to escalate concerns. I cc’ed the @ubuntu-devel list as well for completeness. I do not believe any escalations have occurred or that the Desktop team has changed it’s plan to default to Unity. Positions held about the appropriate default were split in supporting Unity or Classic as the default. Objections to defaulting to Unity fell into 2 categories, functional regressions and instabilities. Points regarding functional regressions cited lack of panel applets, lack of systray support, and poor Focus Follows Mouse experience. Instabilities were typically frequent crashes in Unity/Compiz. I followed up directly with the Desktop and Dx teams with regard to these issues. Panel applets and systray icons have been deprecated from Ubuntu in previous releases. However, they still work in Classic mode, so users who have not migrated from these technologies will be supported in that mode. Furthermore, for 11.04, systray support can be added to Unity via a whitelist. In terms of the instability of the system, the Desktop and Dx teams report that most remaining instabilities in Beta 2 are crashers related to making changes in ccsm. These crashers, and the other known widespread crashers are either fixed in Beta 2, or are scheduled to be fixed in the current Dx milestone that ends this week. See the Critical and High bugs here: https://launchpad.net/unity/+milestone/3.8.8 The Desktop Team still feels strongly that Unity will provide the better experience for most users, is stable enough to ship, and will be more stable by the time final media is spun. I hope that I have accurately summarized the positions on all sides. Please let me know if I can answer any more questions or provide more context. Cheers, Rick